Friday, May 29, 2009

Reiki Online - A New Trend to Learn Reiki

Reiki online was not a household term 15 years ago. It was something that you had to learn in person and spend a few days from a master. Some schools even required you to pass a test before taking level 3.

The same thing applies with other daily routines, such as banking. In the late eighties, electronic or internet banking was not a household terms. Now most of us prefer to do banking from the convenient of our laptop. We order airline tickets through the internet, and even bought our electronic appliance from Amazon.

Reiki online has been a trend since the late nineties and is becoming more and more popular now. People want to become a healer instantly, and do not want to spend days learning it. They prefer to learn the material online or download the digital manual and get the reiki attunement from a distance.

Some people argue that learning directly from a master is much better than learning from internet. While the truth is debatable, the truth is that universal energy, which is the basic of reiki does not have any limitation on distance, place and time. It is possible to have attunement from a distance and it is effective, as long as the master is capable and competent.

The best way to know whether the person who give the attunement is competent or not is to check around. You could get the information from the internet. Household names such as Judith Conroy, William Rand and other well known masters are your best choice. Their track record and credibility are your assurance. They have thousand of students and have been around for quite a while.

Reiki online will become a household term for most of us who want to learn reiki at the convenience of our living room. As long as you get the attunement from a reputable and competent master, you are on the right track.

For more information about Reiki go to Reiki Online

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Reiki Attunement - Simple Process to Become a Reiki Healer

Reiki attunement 1 is the first step to become a healer. The process takes about 15 minutes and conducted by a master. In some schools like Chikara Reiki, the process could be done by self attunement.

After taking level 1, you could go directly to level 2 the next day. Level 2 healers can access and channel more energy. This is made possible due to more chakras activation. As the result of more access to the universal energy, the healing session becomes shorter and more effective. Most schools require a certain waiting period for those who would like to go to level 3. At level 3, a healer could send divine energy to more than 1 person.

Reiki attunement process used to be a heavily guarded secret in the past, and only passed in person to the best students. Now, with the changes in technology and communication, you could actually find a reiki manual online. Like any other information on line, you have to be very selective and careful in selecting any information, including reiki manual. It is better to get an attunement from a master that has good reputation. You could check forums or check around with your friends.

Reiki attunement from a master involves a great deal of spiritual energy. This universal energy is something that you have to take seriously, because it comes with great responsibilities. Other than for healing purpose, the universal energy could be used to enhance spiritual growth as well as materialization. During the process, the energy frequency of the one getting the initiation is attuned to the frequency of the universal energy. This is why a healer can access and channel the healing energy just by intention.

For more information about Reiki go to Reiki Attunement

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Chikara Reiki Do - Alternative Reiki Master Attunement

Chikara Reiki Do was introduced by masters Judith and Chris Conroy. These 2 masters use the basic principles of Usui Reiki. The only major difference of their teaching with other method is Chikara Reiki Do starts with self attunement.

Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer with the source of Reiki energy that comes from God or The Source. During this process, your chakra or energy centers are activated to access the Reiki energy. If you could access the universal energy well, you could use it to heal yourself or others.

Chikara Reiki Do believes that you could actually do the attunement process yourself and do not need a Reiki master to do it for you. The process is also much simpler than other Reiki attunement, because you do not need to go through level 1, and 2. You could become a master in Chikara Reiki in just 48 hours.

While most masters are telling their students that Reiki can not or should not be done quickly, Judith believes that most masters and courses are actually misleading you. It could be done in a much simpler way.

Chikara (meaning "powerful" in Japanese) Reiki could be used to treat stress, anxiety and other health problem. It also could be combined with other alternative healing method such as EFT. If you have problem in your stomach area, you could use some Reiki symbols and channel the healing energy in the area.

Universal energy could also be sent back to the time when your health problem first occurred and became a problem. By doing this, an energy healer go back and change the past. This might sound like a science fiction movie to some people, but lots of people got the healing benefit of Reiki. This energy, like any other energy, does not have limitation on distance or place.

Chikara Reiki Do is one great alternative for those who would like to learn and become a Reiki master without the regular requirements which takes a lot of time and investment.

Debby Law practices Reiki Healing and holds Shamballa Reiki Master since 2003. Reiki is the best and easy way for you to get health naturally, especially if you are a Reiki Master.

For more information about Reiki go to Chikara Reiki Do

Article Source:

Reiki Self Attunement - The Best Way to Become a Reiki Master

Reiki self attunement is still quite controversial for some healers. Some healers believe that a healer must receive a reiki attunement from a competent reiki master, while others believe that reiki self attunement is possible. Those who believe that it is possible, believe that Dr. Mikao Usui, who is the founder of reiki, attuned himself during his meditation on Mount Kurama. This is quite logical, since he was all alone at that time.

Reiki master Judith Conroy believes that Dr. Usui went to a quiet place alone, and after a period of fasting and meditating, he experienced a deep understanding about how a universal force already flowing within him. Then after a while, he learned how to accessed the energy and used it for healing purpose.

Those who do not believe this concept, believe that Dr. Usui was attuned by a great light come out of the darkness, hit him in the forehead and gave him reiki. Majority of healers still believe in this concept.

Reiki self attunement made it possible for someone to become a complete reiki master all at one, without any waiting period, and without different levels. Some reiki masters under this concept also offering master course in just 48 hours.

Regardless of which way you are going to take, a conservative reiki class with attunement from a master or self attunement, the most important thing is the energy you are accessing and channeling. Both methods have been proven to be working. One must make sure that he or she is doing meditation and healing in Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love is the energy of the creation. This is the energy that The Source uses to create all existence, including the universe, the earth and all of us. If you practice reiki in Unconditional Love, you can not go wrong. This is very true whether you received an attunement or you have reiki self attunement.

Debby Law practices Reiki Healing and hold Shamballa Reiki Master since 2003. Reiki is the best and easy way for you to get health naturally, especially if you are a Reiki Master. For more information about Reiki go to Reiki Self Attunement

Article Source:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is Reiki Self Attunement??

Reiki Self Attunement is simply a Reiki attunement that a person does alone to attune him/herself. They are popular because it is not necessary to visit a practitioner or even leave home and especially you can attune by your self with your powerful energy that already inside you.

Reiki energy is universal and limitless. It is around us and inside of us. Whether or not we are aware of the energy, it still exists. Very simple?? thats why Reiki Self Attunement can be more effective.

A Reiki self attunement can be just as effective as an attunement performed by a master. An attunement allows us to be aware of the energy, focus the energy and use it to heal ourselves or others. A lot of Master are opening classes or courses to teach people who want access the Reiki energy or become a reiki practitioner but in my opinion if you have already to know what is reiki, you don't have to join that reiki class or reiki course.

After a Reiki self attunement, you should be more aware of the universal energy or reiki energy. You should be able to access and use the energy for any good purpose such as heal yourself, your family or someone you love.

If you have some traumas, both large and small, can negatively affect your life, your physical and mental health, a Reiki self attunement can help you with the "letting go". Also you will know what the best for you to live health and wealth.

A Reiki self attunement can be beneficial to any person, regardless of their beliefs. It works with any religion or with no religion. Reiki energy is universal that anyone can access in anywhere, anyplace, no matter of time.

Reiki Self Attunement can be access at