Friday, May 29, 2009

Reiki Online - A New Trend to Learn Reiki

Reiki online was not a household term 15 years ago. It was something that you had to learn in person and spend a few days from a master. Some schools even required you to pass a test before taking level 3.

The same thing applies with other daily routines, such as banking. In the late eighties, electronic or internet banking was not a household terms. Now most of us prefer to do banking from the convenient of our laptop. We order airline tickets through the internet, and even bought our electronic appliance from Amazon.

Reiki online has been a trend since the late nineties and is becoming more and more popular now. People want to become a healer instantly, and do not want to spend days learning it. They prefer to learn the material online or download the digital manual and get the reiki attunement from a distance.

Some people argue that learning directly from a master is much better than learning from internet. While the truth is debatable, the truth is that universal energy, which is the basic of reiki does not have any limitation on distance, place and time. It is possible to have attunement from a distance and it is effective, as long as the master is capable and competent.

The best way to know whether the person who give the attunement is competent or not is to check around. You could get the information from the internet. Household names such as Judith Conroy, William Rand and other well known masters are your best choice. Their track record and credibility are your assurance. They have thousand of students and have been around for quite a while.

Reiki online will become a household term for most of us who want to learn reiki at the convenience of our living room. As long as you get the attunement from a reputable and competent master, you are on the right track.

For more information about Reiki go to Reiki Online

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